Hello from the Clayton Elementary Welcome Committee (front office staff)!
We know you may have some questions and hopefully this will answer them, or lead you in the right direction.

Amy Turnage: Registrar (amy.turnage@austinisd.org)
Deanna McDonald: Attendance (deanna.mcdonald@austinisd.org)
Debbie Arya: Tech Support (part-time, typically 7:30am-1:30pm, deborah.arya@austinisd.org)
Jenny Daughtry: Bookkeeper (jennifer.daughtry@austinisd.org)
- Can I register for the 25-26 school year yet?
- Important Registration Dates (click here for more dates and details)
Nov 6, 2024: Priority Registration Application opens (this is for Clayton's K-5 transfers)
Feb 4, 2025: Priority Registration Application closes
Apr 1, 2025: Enroll Austin General Registration will open (ALL Clayton students PK-5).
Want more information? Check out the Student Enrollment Page
Still have specific Clayton registration questions? Call (512-841-9200) or email (amy.turnage@austinisd.org) our registrar, Amy Turnage.
- School Supply Lists
- Check back here in May for the 2025-2026 supply lists
- How do I stay connected and up-to-date on all things Clayton?
- Principal McCollum's weekly newsletter, News for the Nest, comes out every Friday. It's sent to the main email you used when registering your child. It's also posted here on the main page of our website.
- Add yourself to the NEW google list to receive communication from our awesome PTA. This new one replaces the outdated list that's been around since 2006.
- Facebook
- Follow the Clayton Elementary PTA page
- Join the Cardinal Corner: Clayton Elementary Parents Page (don't forget to answer the questions!
- Check out the Clayton PTA website!
- How do I get help with my student's Device? Here is a Device Troubleshooting Guide. Please review this thoroughly before reaching out to the Help Desk or Ms. Debbie. It's easy to navigate and has lots of helpful information.
- PK-2nd Grade will have classroom sets of chromebookss. These will only be used in class and will not go home with students.
- 3rd-5th Graders will be assigned a chromebook as school starts.
- Want a Tour? Tours are closed for the summer. If you are interested in a tour, please call or email Deanna McDonald (512)841-9200 deanna.mcdonald@austinisd.org. Below are Tour dates in 2024-2025
- Friday, Sep 20
- Friday, Oct 11
- Friday, Nov 22
- Friday, Jan 31
- Friday, Feb 28
- Friday, Mar 28
- Friday, Apr 25
- Friday, May 9
- Need a Nurse? Jenny Ribera is Clayton's school nurse (jenny.ribera@austinisd.org). She is at Clayton on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays. We have a sub on Thursdays and Fridays. If your student has medications they'll need on campus, please fill out this form and email it to Nurse Jenny. You can find all AISD Medical forms here.
- Bell Schedule: Be in the building by 7:35 Learning starts at 7:40 and your student will be marked tardy if they aren't IN THEIR CLASSROOM by 7:40am. Any student arriving after this time will come to the front office and be marked Tardy for the day. Students are dismissed at 3:10pm.
- Dismissal: View our Dismissal Map for details.
- Car Riders - Request a Car Tag HERE
- PK, Kinder 1st & 2nd grade (and their siblings) dismissed in the front.
- 3rd, 4th & 5th grade dismiss in the back.
- Escorted Walkers:
- PK, Kinder & 2nd grade (and their siblings) dismiss in the front
- 1st grade (and their siblings) will dismiss through the 1st Grade doors (across from the portables).
- 3rd, 4th & 5th grade dismiss in the back
- Trail Walkers:
- This Trail Walker Permission Form is required. Complete and turn in to your student's teacher
- Lightning & Trail Walkers - If lightning is visible at Clayton at 3:00, we will hold our Trail Walkers until the lightning has left the area. Administration will send an email to all families if we are holding Trail Walkers due to weather, and also notify families when the Trail Walkers have been released. You are always welcome to pick up your child in a car if needed.
- Car Riders - Request a Car Tag HERE
- How do I drop off items for my student?
- Parents/Guardians complete the Drop Off Log Book at the front of the school AND attach a gold slip to the item
Please Note:
- **Items dropped off before 10:00am will be delivered at 10:00am
- **Items dropped off 10:01am - 1:00pm will be delivered at 1:00pm
- **No items will be delivered after 1:00pm
- Essential items like eyeglasses will be delivered immediately
- Lunch boxes, water bottles, clothing items & school supplies will be delivered according to above schedule
- NEW PROCESS -- Student Lunch Drop Offs (lunch boxes, take out food, etc.) will be picked up from the front cart and placed on a shelf in the front office for student to pick up.
- Front office will notify the teacher of the lunch delivery so the student can come to the front office to then pick it up.
- What if my child is sick and needs to stay home from school? If your child is ill, please send an email to your child's teacher and copy our Attendance designee clayton@austinisd.org
- Your child must be fever free (without fever-reducing medicine) for a full 24 hours
- If your child throws up at school, they cannot return that day or the next.
- What if my child has a doctor appointment? (Early pick ups) NO PICK UPS ALLOWED AFTER 2:30PM!
- If you need to pick your child up for early from school, do so by 2:30pm.
- No pick ups after 2:30pm due to preparation for end of day dismissal and instruction procedures
- Notify your child's teacher in advance and and plan to arrive early
- Parents/Guardians need to provide driver's license when signing a student out from school
- Parents/Guardians cannot call in advance to have students retrieved from class.
- Parents/Guardians must be on the Clayton Campus and physically visible on the front security camera in order for us to release your student from our building.
- Once at school, buss the front office with the doorbell outside our main doors, and request your child be retrieved from class.
- For medical appointments, make sure you get a school note from the doctor's office. The doctor's note must be emailed via Clayton Mailbox at clayton@austinisd.org OR submitted via AISD Webform at https://austinisd.org/attendance/report-absence.
What if I need to reach my child's teacher? You may email your teacher, but calls can only be sent to a teacher during their planning period.
- Can I have lunch with my child? No lunch visits UNTIL SEP 20. During this time, students are learning and adjusting to the schedule & rules.
- Your student's teacher can tell you lunch times (or you can call the front office for this information).
- Here are the Lunch Visitor Guidelines
- Where do I eat with my student? Scroll to the bottom of our Cafeteria Page to see a map of the cafeteria and a 2024-2025 lunch schedule.
- Your student's teacher can tell you lunch times (or you can call the front office for this information).
What if our plan for after school pick up changes? After school change of pick ups should be done as early as possible via email with the teacher. Change of dismissal message after 2:30 does not guarantee that it will be executed accordingly.
COVID Protocols
Your child's safety and well-being are so important to us.
If your student is feeling sick
If you or your child are feeling sick, regardless of whether you are vaccinated or not, please stay home, contact your medical provider and email our attendance specialist, clayton@austinisd.org)
If you test positive
Effective Monday, March 18, 2024, AISD Health Services and Nursing recommend students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 to be out for 24 hours after the date of test positivity.
Masking upon return to school will remain optional, but recommended for 5 days if symptomatic.
If you child has COVID and you have questions about when they may return to school, please contact our school nurse, Jenny Ribera, at jenny.ribera@austinisd.org