Buy-A-Spot Sign Up Released

Community Event

We know you LOVE Clayton!

BAS 2025


What are Clayton Buy-A-Spots?

Classroom Teachers, Special Area Teachers, Principals (and more) will host special events that you can sign up your student for. Limited spots- first come, first served. Each spot is $25. All proceeds go directly to the school.

Most events happen before or after school in March. Movies with treats, Crafting, Nature Hikes, Kickball, Special Breakfasts, Edible Art, and so much more. There are all kinds of fun & creative events that our staff comes up with. 

How do I sign up?

You sign up through a Sign Up Genius. At 4pm on Wednesday, February 14 (Valentine's Day) that Sign Up Genius will be...

1) Emailed out (same email address that the News for the Nest goes to)

2) Posted here on the Clayton Website

3) Posted on the Cardinal Corner Facebook Page (this is a non-school facebook page but we will post there bc many families have access to it)

How do I pay?


The preferred method of payment is through the online school payment system:

Alternately, you are welcome to send an envelope with cash or check (made out to Clayton Elementary) to the front office. The envelope should include: Student/s full name, amount included & list of B-A-S you are purchasing.

Need to know

*Some spots are open to all students, some are limited to current students, current & past students, only past students. 

*Make sure your student is available for that Buy-A-Spot's day and time, we are unable to refund.

*You can only sign up YOUR student, no purchasing for friends.